Salesbridges   Ground Protection Mats, 112 cm x 244 cm, Black Diamond Plate
Ground Protection Mats, 112 cm x 244 cm, Black Diamond Plate
AED 0.00 AED

Ground Protection Mats, 112 cm x 244 cm, Black Diamond Plate

Price on request

Medium duty mat with diamond cleat tread, Aggressive diamond cleat tread ideal for heavy vehicle traffic, Rugged, durable HDPE mats with a complete range of options, Load bearing capacity* 120 tons, thickness : 12.5 mm.

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4-8 weeks
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Product description
Ground Protection Mats, 112 cm x 244 cm, 12.5 mm Black Diamond Plate AlturnamaT
ideal for use as temporary roadways, work areas for heavy plant and machinery, drilling rigs, depot or storage areas, and for site personnel. Incorporating a dual grip design featuring our chevron traction® surface, and a low profile surface on the reverse both incorporating micro traction™ to further increase grip.
  • Lightweight with hand holes for easy maneuverability by a two-person team
  • Manufactured of quality 100% recycled high density polyethylene
  • Various connector options available to suit different ground conditions
  • 4 connection points at each corner of the mat for multiple configuration options
  • Diamond cleat tread surface providing impressive grip
Ideal for use over soft or sensitive ground conditions in the construction, civil engineering, ground work, and events industries. These rugged mats are made of 1.27cm thick polyethylene making them virtually indestructible.
 Flexible construction means that these mats will follow the contours of the ground to deliver a highly effective access solution over undulating or sloping ground conditions. Weighing just 39 kg at its maximum size and just 9.75 kg at its smallest, AlturnaMat® can be easily deployed and maneouvered by a two-person team with the added convenience of strategically positioned hand holes. AlturnaMat® can be connected together using Turn-A-Links or EZ Link connectors to create a secure trackway or workpad.
  • Material: : HDPE
  • Available size :112 cm x 244 cm, 
  • Thickness : 12.5 mm
  • Weight: 32Kg
  • Hand holes for ease of handling – Fast and easy to install
Trackway panels get heavy equipment safely through mud, sand, snow and swampland conditions by creating temporary access roads and working platforms. Access to and from remote sites and a stable work area are a critical safety solution in the oil & gas, drilling, transmission, renewable energy, utilities, civil engineering, infrastructure, and construction industries.
Cleaning Instructions
Hose off with water
Cleaning and Maintenance
Hose off with water
Recommended use
Oil & gas, drilling, transmission, renewable energy, utilities, civil engineering, infrastructure, and construction industries.
*Load bearing capacity is subject to ground conditions. Sizing is subject to a manufacturing variance of +/- 5%.

Made in Europe 
Product information
Brand Salesbridges
Article code SBTTMSAM01BL
EAN 9505564931261
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